How to: Empower Your Inner Initiative Sense

By Moza Ayudina Larasati
Sr. Digital Media Planner

August 30, 2021

Having an initiative sense means that you will do anything on your own, without the need to be told. Usually, learning on how to be more initiative somehow boost your self-development. On the bright side, having an initiative sense will increase your productivity and people would appreciate you more.

4 Ways to Ignite Creativity

By Lundy Sebastian
Digital Media Planner Manager

May 27, 2021

Everybody is creative. In fact, being creative is simple. We’ve forgotten how to do it because we complicate it too much. We label ourselves as “creative,” or “not creative.” Other people put us — or maybe we put ourselves — into a role. When someone asked a painter when he started drawing, he very accurately pointed out that everybody instinctively draws as a child. But somewhere along the way, most people stop.

Improving Managerial Abilities with Video Games - The Elder Scroll V: Skyrim

By M. Feisal Permana
Sr. Digital Advertising Specialist

April 05, 2021

Managerial abilities refer to the capabilities an employee has in performing managerial works in an organization or in work environment. Managerial abilities also show how an employee is able to cooperate and communicate with people while actively performing self-evaluation on working manner and emotional management. There are 5 skills that are required for managing, which are: technical skills, conceptual skill, interpersonal & communication skill, decision making skill, and diagnostic & analytical skill.

Reasons Why You Should Not Wait for an Apple to Fall on Your Head to be Creative and Innovative

By Afdhal Aulia
Sr. Account Strategist

April 05, 2021

When Archimedes first yelled out the word “eureka” after he found out that the water rose when he stepped into the wooden basket for his evening bath, the world changed immediately.

Be a Good Problem Solver not a Problem Maker!

By Selma Maulida
Account Strategist

January 26, 2021

Curious how do people really good at solving problems? Here are some 6 steps that might help!